I do. I will. Forever.by Brenda Dwyer
I knew as I was crossing the foyer floor that I would be opening the door to my future husband. I can only say what I felt in that moment .. I felt that the man on the other side of the door was the man God had for me .. to walk with me into my future. The inexplicable thing about this though, is I had never met this man before.

Even now, looking back, I realize (as I do every single time I think about it) that it was by far the one moment in my life that had the most absolute clarity. You can hardly breathe in this life without hearing about "soul mates". I'm not sure I ever believed in "soul mates" prior to meeting my husband. I do know that if you pray for someone to complete you, someone to share with and then wait on the Lord, you will KNOW when that person has walked into your life .. even if they've only come so far as the other side of the door. Once invited in, we talked over cups of coffee and shared very intense conversation which normally would have made me uncomfortable considering how much personal information was exchanged, however there was a peace that surpasses understanding so VERY PREVALENT in the room that nothing mattered except truth .. for we were forming the foundation of what we would come to build the rest of our lives on together. There are so many circumstances here that make this meeting even more unlikely .. so much so that the odds of it happening are probably something like one in several trillion or zillion but I won't share those here because ulitmately they don't matter in the telling of this particular love story. God knew what I needed even when I didn't have a clue. God sent a man to me that I adore and cherish. We married just short days after meeting .. without even really knowing anything more than that we just felt COMPLETE when we were together. Our wedding was held in our home with our closest family attending. It was the most beautiful ceremony. There were gorgeous flower bouquets and a beautiful three-tiered cake, catered food (more than enough for all) and tears in everyone's eyes. It was magical, it was simple, it was memorable and I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Today, almost three short years later .. I am thankful. We have had our share of trials and tribulations but lately we have come to realize that no matter the storm .. we are eachother's shelter, and God, well, God is the protector of our love and by His grace our love just grows and grows.
"Babe .. if you ever read this .. know this .. I do .. every day of our life together ..
I do. I will. Forever."