A Little Paper With a Big Heart
Est. 2009
A Little Paper With a Big Heart
Est. 2009
Welcome to 'Giggle'; the little paper with a big heart! Our paper is printed on newsprint but actually doesn't have a drop of "news" in it. Instead, you will find page after page of stories written by people that live within the communities we deliver to; stories of love, struggles, loss and how to conquer (with grace) all of life's unexpected situations. Settle into your comfy chair, peruse our contents and you will certainly be blessed!

Like Fine Wine

Like Fine Wine

Why Doesn't Anyone Ever Tell You
That When You Reach A Certain Age Your Body Takes Over as Your Brain Takes a Back Seat???
It's true ... no one tells you. You hear the dreaded term "menopause" and you think that you're going to die if you even have to whisper the word. Why the secrecy? Why all of the dread? While it may indeed be true that menopause, perimenopause and all of the other pauses (and oddball terminology) in your life associated with this inevitable period of insanity lend themselves to scare the socks right off of us it really isn't all that hard to understand or ENDURE. Okay, let me just qualify that last statement ... I thought I was about to the end of my rope trying to endure whatever "pause" I am in right now but I had a reality check that reminded me that it's not that bad.

Menopause ... it's a wild ride!

Sure, there are days that I have to stay inside real close to a bathroom (if not just bedded down in it) due to more (pardon my bluntness here) blood being purged from my body than I dare to measure. There are worse things to have to endure! So what if I get cramps when I never used to? So what if my clots are all bigger than a silver dollar? So what if I feel just a wee bit exhausted and spent after a 7 to 10 day bout of mega bleeding when I know I will have it to look forward to in another 4-16 days (its anyone's guess)? So what! I survive it everytime and I consider it a small inconvenience when I find myself at an age where my friends are in dialysis or chemo or any one of a number of other painful and gruelling schedules of this procedure or that ... this medication or that. I don't take any meds, am pretty doggone healthy (although a bit overweight) and am getting sassier as I age. (Lord, please help me!) There are MANY women who share in this same experience in my own small circle ... I can't even fathom how many of us have this same experience worldwide. I have sat down in circles of female doctors and nurses who all concur that it is a woman's obligation to be in tune with her own body. Doctors can not diagnose what is not blatantly obvious (at least to you) unless you explicity explain everything that brought you to the very seat you're sitting in when in front of them.
They are not mind readers nor can they detect internal problems without an external explaination. There are doctors who will just encourage you to "take it all out" and begin a regimen of hormone replacement therapies. You are the only person who can decide what is right for YOU. Right now, I find myself willing

to put up with this "pause" that keeps me tethered to home ... it's kind of a nice break from the many committments I felt tethered to outside of the home previously. I have gotten really good at scheduling in fun stuff to do as soon as I know I am going to have at least 4 days of freedom coming up!

Life is wonderful girls, with all of its ups and downs ... it all comes down to attitude ... and perhaps moodiness but hey ... give us a break ... this hormonal stuff is pretty tricky!!!

(The next time your husband looks at you as if he'd rather commit you than talk to you ... just point your index finger at him and shake it side to side ... it's a very scarey tactic and it's a great silencer because they have no idea what it means).

Like fine wine ...
Cherish the time you are given in this life.
Strive to truly LIVE every moment.
Cultivate love and bask in your reward.
Take time to listen to even the smallest of voices,
see the tiniest of wonders,
smell the faintest of roses ...

Mystery is our dearest comrade during this time of "pause" and yet it is (somehow) also our biggest betrayer.

Just spend more time on your knees in prayer ... God really does "get it" and it makes it all so much more tolerable.
Please, send me your stories of "pause" and we can all share in this
wonderfully scarey (and yet eventually liberating) time together!

One more excuse not to do Yoga.

The day you realize ...
you are becoming your mother.

So there she was ... staring at her reflection in the mirror and it dawned on her ... she had finally come into "her own" ah ... bliss! -bd
Middlebury, IN. newspaper written by Brenda Dwyer; owned by Bob & Brenda Dwyer. Giggle offers feel good stories for over 36,000 readers; Giggle News serves the communities of Elkhart, Middlebury, Bristol, Shipshewana, Goshen and LaGrange in the counties of Elkhart and LaGrange, Indiana. Giggle News is considered a Middlebury, IN. newspaper, a Bristol, IN. newspaper and a Shipshewana, IN. newspaper.Grandmas, The Cat's Meow, Inside The Tea Room, The Corner Office, This n' That, From Our Kitchen, Garden Gab, Talk Across The Fence, Salisbury's Stake, A World of Wonders and Destri of Nocham are just a few of the gems you will find inside. Giggle News has been in circulation since April of 2009. Brenda Dwyer uses her humor and heartfelt thoughts when putting pen to paper to fill the pages of the Giggle News in a way that attracts men, women & children alike. The Giggle News is all about strengthening the local economy and has led a small crusade to bring local merchants and the consumers of this area together to achieve that end. Life is challenging and wonderful all at the same time and the Giggle News is there to capture those precious revelations. Giggle News is also available online as well as at area lay-down spots. Giggle News ... the "feel good" newspaper.
Every single word, verse, poem, prose, etc. within This Site (unless otherwise stated) was written by Brenda Dwyer and is protected by copyright ©Do not copy, reproduce or otherwise share this content without expressed written permission by the author. 2008/2009

If you enjoy our little paper ... As with any publication, the costs associated with printing and delivering this paper to our immediate area are steep. We also deliver to others who have requested a "hands on" edition delivered to their doorstep. Our advertising revenue doesn't begin to offset the total monthly bill. We would appreciate any donation you might feel led to give to aid in the continuance of this publication. Thank you in advance for your kindness. God bless!