Here I am once again to give an update. Let me first say that I am still pregnant. Lol I did get some really good news on the Dr.'s office front. I was just about to change doctors (I just couldn't take him any more and was going to go back to my original Dr.) Actually, she was a nurse practitioner from my previous pregnancy (the one I miscarried) but I couldn't get an appointment with her. So I figured I would go to see Dr. Boateng one more time. Low and behold when the "Dr" comes in it's not Dr Boateng, but Christine the nurse practitioner!! I started tearing up right there in the Dr's office. (Lovely hormones!) I was soooo happy to see her. And she remembered me! (Something Dr Boateng never could quite pull off.) So I have been scheduling my appointments with her the last few weeks. The only time I will need to see Dr. Boateng is when I actually give birth. Yea! HAHA!! But other than that miraculous event...not a whole lot changed until about 3 weeks ago on Feb. 27. I went into what they call "false labor" which is a total misnomer because it they said I was in active labor it was just UNPRODUCTIVE. The contractions started at about 6:30 p.m. and I started timing them because they were very strong. They started out 6 minutes apart, when they got to 3 minutes apart I called my doctor. When I didn't get a call back I freaked and went to the hospital. They sent me upstairs to labor and delivery and hooked me up to the monitors. The nurse checked to see if I was dilated and found that I was at 1 cm. She explained that because I was only at 1 cm that I was probably going to be sent home to labor at home for a while, but that she was going to call "the good ole" Dr. … well, a few minutes later she came in and told me that he said to go ahead and admit me. We were shocked, but grateful. The hospital admittance just made me feel much better and more confident. So I look at Scott and told him to call my mom and tell her she needed to get there! The nurse takes me to my room and I am a little disappointed. The birthing suites here are nothing like the other ones in the other hospital. They are still pretty for what they are I guess … they’re just a bit dated and you can tell they’ve had their share of visitors! Lol So I get all hooked up to monitors and an I.V. and Daisy (the nurse) tells me that the doctor said I can have an epidural at anytime. Thank you, Jesus!!! I got here in time this time!!! I decline the epidural because I know that they can slow labor down and I don’t want that to happen. She then tells me that I can get a shot called Staydol. That it is a narcotic pain reliever and I can get that every three hours if I want it. I told her I would wait a little while and let her know if I couldn't take the pain anymore. So the waiting game begins. Mom gets to the hospital and that comforts me so much. She will be here to witness the birth of her 2nd grandson. Well, time goes by and the contractions are getting more and more intense and finally I have to ask for the shot. Daisy comes in and checks to see if I have dilated anymore. I have I am at a "loose" 1cm. So I am making progress! Well, she brings the medicine in and puts some in my I.V. and gives me the 2nd part in my shoulder. Let me just tell you the burn of that medicine made me think maybe I should have just toughed out those contractions. Lol But not even 30 seconds later I was the happiest person in the world. As long as I stayed still...the medicine causes dizziness and nausea. But I was happy. The pain went from a 9 to a 4, and I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. Anyway, right before I got the shot Scott had left to go to get some snacks, needless to say when he came back he got a surprise! Lol He couldn’t believe how my mood had changed so drastically! So a little later I am laying there trying to sleep, it's about 12 a.m., and Scott is keeping a steady vigil next to me. When the medicine starts to wear off and the contractions

come back stronger he gives me his hand to hold as I breathe thru them. (I swear if I didn't love him before that moment, I would have fallen in love with him right then and there. We are not the most romantic couple in the world, but just that simple act of him holding my hand made my heart melt. Lol Just don't let him know that! Lol) So, the nurse comes in to check the tape and sees that the contractions are coming strong and they are about 3 minutes apart. So we continue to wait ... at about 5:30 in the morning I told her to give me another shot. This one hurt so much more than the first one! I wanted to pass out although, again, just a few seconds after she gives me the shot, I am in a medicinal bliss. At 7:30 a.m. Daisy's shift is over and she comes in to tell us goodbye and that she will see us that night, hopefully with the baby or at least in active labor. At about 9 a.m. the "good" doctor decides to make an appearance. He comes in and asks 1) if there have been any complications with this pregnancy? REALLY???? Did he just ask that (???) and as I am trying to answer he talks right over me. About what I can't really remember...but he puts on a glove to check me ... opens his mouth and says "no change" and asks how far I live from the hospital. I tell him not far and he tells me to go home. WHAT????? My new nurse even looks at him like he has lost his mind. As she is taking my I.V. out she whispers don't worry and to just come back later if I need to. I am to the point where I am like maybe I should just go to the other hospital later. So in disbelief we all get ready to disembark. I am extremely nauseous and don't feel good moving around at all. Thank God I didn't get the epidural!!!! So we all head to my house and mom and I decide to go to the mall and walk to see if we can get my labor to speed up. We walk around for a little while and I am sweating and hungry and trying not to be grumpy. So after walking for a little while we decide to get some lunch. We order and sit down. I am at this point so happy to be spending time with my mom that the nausea is in the far, far back of my mind ... until I am 2 bites into my sandwich. Needless, to say mom and I had to abandon our lunch plans, get the food to go and race (as fast as was physically possible for me) out to the truck. We finally make it home and I sit up for a while and we decided that mom should just go home, that it doesn't look like anymore is going to happen that day. After my mom left, I went to lie down next to my husband, who had fallen asleep upon our arrival at the house earlier that day. I slept ALL day. That medicine just took everything out of me. The next day I lost my mucus plug! I called the "good" doctor and I guess that didn't even warrant

a return call from him. A couple of days later I had my next doctor appointment, I was soooo happy that I was going to be seeing Christine again. When I got there we talked about what had happened and that since I was only 35 weeks she wanted me on bed rest for 2 weeks. My reaction was "NNNOOOOO!!!!" Lol … but I reassured her that my main concern was to make it to 37 weeks when I would be considered "full-term". She didn't want to check for dilation because she didn't want to disturb anything and cause the contractions to start back up. I have been to see Christine on my weekly visits twice since then. Yesterday, when I went to see her we talked about how to try to get my labor started at home and that I am now 2cm dilated, 75% effaced, and at a +1. So labor could begin at anytime. She said that I may not make it another week, but if for some reason I do, that she will try some things on her end to get things started for me since I will be 2 days away from being 39 weeks. I am praying I go this week. As anxious as I am to have little Scotty in my arms, I have to remember that there will be so much more work to do once he gets here. I think my body is just tired of being a host to this little body growing inside me. Lol I had my baby shower this past Saturday. I got soooo much stuff! I don't have room for any of it. Lol I think that for the first 6 months of Scotty's life he probably won't wear the same outfit twice. Lol Now I am patiently waiting for the contractions to start and stay steady again. Please continue to pray for me and thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Hopefully, next one will be written with Lil Scotty laying in his bassinet right next to me. God Bless you all and thank you again. (Note from Brenda: as soon as little Scotty is here I will include a picture of him for all to admire! J).